General Dentist Tips for Your Daily Oral Hygiene

General Dentist Beverly Hills, FL

Daily oral hygiene is one of the most important things that a general dentist focuses on. Without a good oral hygiene routine, individuals are more likely to develop cavities or gum disease, both of which require treatments to solve. Having a good understanding of important daily oral hygiene can go a long way. Keep reading to learn what a general dentist has to say. 

Oral hygiene tips

Below is a quick overview of what a general dentist recommends when it comes to daily oral hygiene. These tips should be considered every day in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

1. Never skip flossing

One of the most important tips from a general dentist about daily oral hygiene is to never skip flossing. So many food particles get stuck between the teeth, which can result in bacterial growth, thus leading to cavities or gum disease. It can also be very easy to not feel left behind food, which is why flossing gets skipped. However, even the smallest particles can cause a serious infection, requiring treatments to reverse. Flossing does not have to be done twice a day; however, it is recommended at least once to ensure that the gums and teeth remain in good shape. 

2. Change toothbrushes

Another general dentist tip for daily oral hygiene is to change toothbrushes. First and foremost, individuals should replace their toothbrushes every three months at a minimum. This helps to avoid bacterial growth or build-up. 

Aside from replacing the actual toothbrush, it can also be helpful to use multiple types. For example, general dentists recommend using a soft or medium-bristled toothbrush every day, but, every once in a while, a hard-bristled toothbrush can also be beneficial to the health of the teeth. The harder bristles help to get rid of any plaque or tartar that might be built up, but over-use of this type of toothbrush can actually do long-term damage to the enamel. 

3. Rinse with mouthwash or saltwater

A lot of individuals skip using a mouthwash or rinsing with saltwater. General dentists recommend rinsing with salt water at least every day as it is a safe and natural way to disinfect the entire oral cavity. Mouthwash, on the other hand, should be used a few times a week, as opposed to every day. The alcohol in mouthwash can actually be harmful to some, which is why it is not recommended for daily oral hygiene routines. 

4. Brush twice a day

The most common oral hygiene tip from a general dentist is to brush at least twice a day, if not after each meal. Although it is the most common tip, it can also be easily forgotten or overlooked, which is why it is so crucial. A lot of food particles can stick to the surface of the teeth, as well as in between them. These food particles can cause cavities to develop, which requires restorative treatment. 

Find out more from the general dentist

If you are looking for ways to level up your oral health, consider trying some of the strategies suggested by a general dentist.

Request an appointment here: or call Nature Coast Dentistry at (352) 350-1764 for an appointment in our Beverly Hills office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Beverly Hills, FL.

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